A father of two, Seth suffers from several chronic inflammatory conditions. Over the last year, his symptoms hindered him from leaving the house often because it had become too painful and unsteady to use his cane. Having to miss work combined with insurance issues, it was impossible for Seth to purchase a power wheelchair that he so desperately needed to get back to his life.
Seth worked hard to stay positive and would often say, “when a good day happens, I take advantage of it!” For Seth, that meant running errands, window shopping, and game nights with family and friends. He was looking to get back the things in his life that he looked forward to and that helped him tolerate his chronic pain.
A Victory Scholarship gave Seth his independence back with a power wheelchair. No longer unsteady on his feet, the wheelchair opened up a world of possibility and restored many aspects of his life.
“A power wheel chair allows me to engage with my family and enjoy life more. The best part is that I can leave the house much more regularly and without the hesitance of wondering if I'll be able to keep up with these two crazy, wild and adorable kids of mine.”